Top tips for selecting a UV device for a pond
Top tips for selecting a UV device for a pond
During three weeks, a UV unit should have an effect on existing green water. If not, make sure the flow rate of water through the unit meets the specified rate and can handle the capacity of the pond. Because manufacturers anticipate that a pond has a few tiny fish and a lot of plants, pond keepers must install a bigger UV unit. Nonetheless, here are some suggestions for selecting UV lamp vijver.
- Transmission of UV light: The transparent tube that protects the UV lamp from water should allow as much UV rays through as feasible. Examine the proportion of UV photons that reach the water.
- Simplicity of installation and upkeep: Install the UV device in a location where it can be kept in place. If this is not practicable, hand-tightened fittings should be used for ease of removal from the system.
- Electrical security: To avoid electrocution, always use a residual current device (RCD) in connection with mains electrical equipment in the garden.
- Installation: In a pump-fed system, place UV lamp vijver before the biological filter. In a gravity-fed system, install after the biological filter and pumped outlet.
- The flow rate: The maximum flow rate is typically 35 to 50% of the pond volume. If the required flow rate for the filters is too high for the UV unit, use a T-piece to redirect the excess and bypass the UV unit. Nevertheless, allowing too much flow through the lamp will render it ineffective since the water and algae will not be exposed to the UV light rays for long enough.